International Changemakers Coventry City of Culture 2021

Conducting a series of conversations with artists from Lebanon and elsewhere to develop ideas for new theatre show ‘Not From Here’ with Amerah Saleh and Saliah Bryan.

Creative Fellow Shakespeare Institute, Birmingham University

Teaching on MA and BA programmes at University of Birmingham while developing new theatre piece with Amerah Saleh Not From Here.

AIDF Grant to Australia

In 2017 I travelled to Australia on an Arts Council AIDF grant in collaboration with Jason Cross of Insite Arts to promote Mess and begin a new project Smitten with Emily Goddard and Arena Theatre.

Dark Room

I was invited to participate in China Plate’s development programme The Dark Room in 2016.

The Darkroom invests in creative relationships rather than pieces of work and aims to give each company we work with space, time, and money to experiment, to rejuvenate, to enliven their processes and to grow creatively.


Musical Theatre Dark Room

I was invited to take part in The Musical Theatre Darkroom in 2016 that brought together four experienced theatre makers new to musical theatre and four experienced musical theatre makers to take part in a six month development programme.



A project supported by The Exchange Collaborative Research Awards


I worked with Dr Jacqueline Taylor from Birmingham City University on a collaborative research project.

Rearrangements’ is a practical and creative interrogation of narrative form and structure, looking into how we construct meaning when we encounter artistic practice. ‘Rearrangements’ opens up a site of exchange between my work as a theatre-maker who experiments with form and Jacqueline’s academic specialism of l’écriture féminine, which proposes alternative linguistic structures, narratives and forms to create ‘other’ languages.

We conducted field trips (mostly to theatres and galleries rather than to fields), interviewed artists and academics and blogged furiously/furiously.  – 


A Sidney Nolan Trust residency, 14 – 18 March 2016


At the start of 2016, the Sidney Nolan Trust invited me to assemble a team of artists and propose a start point for a week’s residency.

A playful investigation into our need to connect with the natural world. What does it give us? What happens when we’re away from it? Why does it pull us back? A writer, amusician, a film-maker and an installation-artist-turned-designer headed out into the wilds of Powys on a mission to capture nature’s essence and maybe bring a little of it back to share with you.


Here’s my blog written bleary-eyed at the end of each day.